Monday 1 December 2014

Title Sequences

Definition of a title sequence:
A title sequence is the way in which media institutions use text and or sound to portray their titles, cast and crew members and lastly their units of production. The title sequence sets the tone and atmosphere of a film/programme as well as introducing the main protagonists to the audience.

What have we learned about title sequences?:
Title sequences introduce the film/programme to the audience. They set the tone and are the outlay of the film/programme. They often follow opening credits but are indeed different. Title sequences vary from credits as they introduce global institutions {For example Marvel} if present, during the location setting, which appears in the background of the text. Title sequences can be integral in a film/programme as they can be used to foreshadow events that may unfold in the piece of Media as seen in the Titanic title sequence. This is extremely potent with the title sequence in Forrest Gump below:

Forrest Gump title with setting in the background.

Tittle sequence of The Incredible Hulk begins with the global institution 'Marvel'.

Title sequence of Titanic foreshadowing the events that may unfold.

In conclusion, title sequences can be a synopsis of technical elements such as actors, directors and global institutions as well as hooking the audience and alerting them of the genre of the film.

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